Thursday, 19 January 2012

Sister, Missing by Sophie McKenzie

                I remember reading Girl, Missing years ago when it first came out in 2006, and absolutely loving it; however, I never even began to consider it as having ‘sequel potential’ – much like Finding Nemo, Beautiful Malice and The Graveyard Book, there could not be less call for a sequel, other than to ring in the cash cow; so it was dubiously that I accepted this news, and even more so when I ordered it from my library.

                I was pleasantly surprised. The highlight of Girl, Missing was, for me, the unpredictability, and this is where Sister, Missing fell a little flat for me as I guessed at least half of the twists quite a while before they occurred, whereas I did not with its predecessor (although I was a lot younger at the time!). I love McKenzie’s writing – it’s rather simplistic but wonderful at the same time, and a joy to read.  I like the cover – it’s very striking, although it took me a while to fully work out what the illusion is and the Lauren on the cover in no way matches what I perceive her to look like, though that may just be me.

Our characters are fleshed out even further than they were in the original, and my major complaint is that it was too short - I felt a lot more could have been elaborated on as I felt a bit overwhelmed at the pace. It’s wonderfully gripping and awfully heartwrenching, but I wholeheartedly recommend it; though you should definitely pick up Girl, Missing first to ingratiate yourself with Lauren’s story prior to the events of this novel, which is in my opinion better, though that’s not to say this isn’t a worthwhile read.


[SYNOPSIS: It's two years after the events of Girl, Missing and life is not getting any easier for sixteen-year-old Lauren, as exam pressure and a recent family tragedy take their toll. Lauren's birth mother takes Lauren and her two sisters on holiday in the hope that some time together will help, but a few days into the holiday one of the sisters disappears, under circumstances very similar to those in which Lauren was taken years before. Can Lauren save her sister, and stop the nightmare happening all over again?]


  1. I Love Sophie Kinsella! Haven't heard of this one though I'll def. have to check em out! :D

    Xpresso Reads

    1. Her books aren't as popular as they should be, because they're all amazing; be sure to check it out! :P
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